Does Dealcoholized Wine Have Health Benefits?

Dealcoholized wine is regular wine that’s had almost all the alcohol removed. There may be a tiny amount left, but it’s less than half of one percent by volume. That’s small enough to officially be called alcohol-free. So even though it doesn’t have all the alcohol of regular wine (around 13-14 percent), it should have about the same amount of polyphenols, which are the natural plant chemicals found in the skins of grapes (as well as other fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds). These chemicals act as antioxidants that may protect your cells from free radical damage. Red wines have more of these polyphenols than whites because the skins are removed before making white wines.

A number of epidemiological studies have found a correlation between drinking small to moderate amounts of red wine with fewer deaths due to cardiovascular disease. The alcohol may play some part in the protection, but scientists believe the antioxidant properties of these polyphenols are the main reason for the potential health benefits. They include:

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