Most essential vitamins for children

Vitamin A.

- Vitamin A is essential for developing strong bones, keeping the eyes healthy. It also helps to prepare the body to fight of various infections. This means that without vitamin A, the body would easily be susceptible to diseases.
- The main sources of vitamin A are entirely foods. The age of the child dictates the type of food to be fed as very young kids; often less than 6 months are still unfit to be fed on solids. Foods that are particularly rich in Vitamin A include liver, milk, fortified cereals and cheese. Fruits like oranges, carrots and vegetables are also suitable sources of vitamin A.

Vitamin C

- The functions of vitamin C in children include; stimulating the body to protect itself against diseases such as common cold, Neutralizing any toxic or harmful substances in the body, contributing to healthy and normal growth of gums and strong teeth thereby preventing any occurrences of gum bleeding and playing a very integral role in the breakdown of hormonal fluids that are released by the body. Worth noting is the fact that vitamin C is essential in the generation of Vitamin E within the body.
- The main sources of Vitamin C are mainly fruits like oranges, mango salad and red pepper among others.

Vitamin D

- Vitamin D is known majorly for the role it plays in developing strong bones. It is also involved in the development of strong teeth.
- Calcium, together with sunlight is the main source of Vitamin D. Other sources include eggs, fish and cereals. Experts in children health recommend that all children should spend a considerable amount of time outside in the sun. The bodies of children effectively manufacture vitamin D when exposed to sunlight.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E can be manufactured by the body but supplements are required to increase its sufficiency.
- The role of Vitamin C is to protect the body cells from free radicals hence eliminating incidences of heart or cancer diseases.
- Oils are the main sources of vitamin E. Almonds and sunflower are also notable sources of this particular type of vitamin. However, parents are advised to avoid nuts as they may choke the children.

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