Fish Oil Isn’t Suddenly Useless–Here’s Why You Should Still Take It

A UK study released today has Web news headlines blaring that omega-3s may not protect your brain after all. Oh really? We say don’t chuck your fish oil supplements just yet. There are plenty of good reasons to take omega-3 supplements, even if they don’t wind up helping with memory and brain health. But more importantly, the study was only conducted in adults 60 to 80 years old.

Study author and nutrition researcher Alan Dangour told Reuters Health that people shouldn’t rule out fish oil’s brain benefits; it’s possible long-term use of the supplements could be helpful for warding off cognitive impairment and dementia.

Dangour’s study is actually an analysis of three previous fish oil studies, each lasting between six months and three years. It could be that a longer period of taking fish oil is needed to make a difference. Or that we won’t see the difference until some time from now. It could be that fish oil supplements only help people who didn’t get enough dietary omega-3′s already, and most of these subjects did.

Or it could be that the subjects in this study were all relatively old.

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