Tips for Keeping Your Workout Routine on Track

Set Realistic Goals

When it comes to your workout and exercise plan, you must set realistic goals. If you have not been a very active person, do not expect to be running 20 miles a day within the first month. You will become discouraged. This is one of the main reasons that exercise programs fail.

If you are just starting an exercise program, start out small. Walk a mile a day and gradually work your way up to two miles and so on. Add a few minutes of jogging here and there and build up slowly to running. If you are lifting weights in the gym, don’t start out at what you used to lift when you were younger. Start out with a low weight and work gradually to increase the repetitions. Gradually add more weight. This gives your muscles a chance to build and reduces the risk of muscle strain and pain.

Take the Routine Out of Your Workout

For some, a regular routine works best when it comes to exercise. However, for others this regular routine becomes boring and working out becomes just another job. If this is the case, consider changing up your routine. If you typically walk or jog on the treadmill, get out around your local neighborhood or park when the weather is good and enjoy some time outside while getting in your workout.

Consider adding different types of workouts like swimming, playing sports or even video games that require you to use your body to play. Keeping your method of exercise fresh will keep you interested in continuing.

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