5 ways to make biking to work an easy ride

Find the right bike
If you’re going a long distance, an electric bike might help you get up to speed. Or if you’re using public transportation, a folding bike might be worth the investment. Other commuter-friendly features to look for include an enclosed chain-guard (no more ripped or muddy pant legs) and cargo racks for your briefcase or purse.

Leave a change of clothes at the office
Assume the worst will happen. There may be a sudden downpour and a car might splash your suit. And if these happen, they will definitely happen on the day of a big meeting. So be prepared and hopefully you’ll never have to use your Plan B.

Know that it’s not all or nothing
If your office is far away or you’re building up your fitness, know that every bit helps (your budget and the planet). So get a ride there and bike home. Or ride to the train that will take you the greater distance, instead of commuting to the station and paying for parking.

Stock up on baby wipes
They’re the MVP of waterless showers. If you’re a really sweaty biker, you’ll need to pack at least a new shirt (see “Leave a chance of clothes”). But if you just need to quickly freshen up, a few baby wipes, a swipe of deodorant and a quick comb of your hair can having you looking office ready quickly.

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