12 Foods that Lower your Cholesterol
1. Oats 2. Red Wine 3. Salmon & Fatty Fish 4. Nuts 5. Beans 6. Tea 7. Chocolate 8. Margarine 9. Spinach 10. Avocado 11. Garlic 12. Olive Oil
Nutrition Tips for New Athletes
Don’t Exercise on an Empty Stomach Put some gas in your tank before starting your workout. Carbohydrate is the preferred fuel for exercise, so 30 to 60 minutes before exercise eat something that is easily digested and carbohydrate-rich. Great pre-workout snacks are: Low-fat fruit yogurt A banana A slice of 100 percent whole grain toast [...]
Jogging can help you Live Longer
Good news for those of us who jog more at the pace of a sleepy tortoise than a hopped-up hare:Jogging for just an hour a week—even at a slow pace—can up your life expectancy by 5.6 years, according to a new Danish study. Researchers looked at 35 years worth of health data for 20,000 men and [...]
Tasty Tips for Healthier Eating
Try incorporating these tips from Koff to help make healthier food choices year-round: Be a qualitarian: Choose the best quality food available at every eating occasion — you are what you eat, and your body runs best on better-quality fuel. Go all-natural: Make sure when you buy something that claims to be “all-natural,” it really is as [...]
Tips for healthy Eating, Weight Loss and Nutrition
· Planning what to eat and how to deal with foods that you find irresistible. · Incorporating physical activity into your schedule, and figuring out how to make sure you get to the gym on those days when you’re less likely to have the time or inclination to work out. Workouts increase the chances of [...]
‘Fruit and Veggie Fest’ focuses on healthy eating
Food, fitness and fun are planned for the Network for a Healthy California’s “Fruit and Veggie Fest” to take place Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Grocery Outlet, 625 Commercial St. The Network for a Healthy California, in partnership with retailers across California, hosts a series of Fruit and Veggie Fests each [...]
Amino Vitals Expert Nutritionist Tips
Nutrition should be part of their training program. After all, why not make the most of your training by fueling your body right? Nutrition can make a good athlete great or a great athlete merely good. Here are a few tips: Know your body. Don’t try something just because it worked for your neighbor, roommate [...]
Weight Loss Programs from an Expert
Diet Detective’s Random Weight Loss Tips to Help You Get in Shape I don’t go to a lot of parties, but when I do, I find that because I’m in the “diet” business and a professor of public health, I get asked all kinds of questions about how to lose weight. So here’s the advice [...]
New Weight Loss Program Launched For Families
Nationwide Children’s Hospital just launched a new program to help families eat healthy meals and make nutritious food choices. The goal is to help cut the rate of childhood obesity. It’s called “Feeding Your Kids” and it is a program the sends parents emails and text messages either daily for 45 days, or for 90 [...]
Mix It Up Online Nutrition Program to Improve Better Eating in the Workplace
Kaiser Permanente has launched a new online nutrition program designed for employers to help their employees improve their daily eating habits by including more fruits and vegetables. The Mix It Up program, from HealthWorks by Kaiser Permanente, emphasizes a varied selection of colorful produce and introduces participants to healthy eating patterns anyone can readily and [...]