Archive for July, 2012

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Healthy Eating: 6 deceiving ‘health’ foods

Many foods are advertised as being low in calories and fat, and they certainly taste like they are healthy too; but are they really good for you? There are countless foods and beverages found on grocery store shelves or served in restaurants that have an aura of being healthy, low fat and low in calories, [...]

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Triggers that slow metabolism

Age, diet and lifestyle can all send your body’s calorie burn screeching to a halt. Is there a way to fight back? Yes, according to There are only two true ways to boost metabolism: weight-loss surgery and weight training that increases muscle mass. But there are many factors that can cause metabolism to slow and [...]

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Certain Diets May Help Body Burn More Calories

Dieters have long been told that to lose weight, you simply need to cut calories. But new research suggests that some combinations of foods may burn more calories than others. When researchers compared a low-fat diet, a very low-carbohydrate diet and a low-glycemic-index diet, they found that people on very low-carb diets used the most [...]

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Facts don’t support detox diets

The desire to rid the body of fat and suspected toxins often ends up putting the body through torturous fasts and consumption of strange liquids. While flushes, detox diets and fasts are hyped as a way to remove waste that’s supposedly “stuck” in our digestive system, there’s not a lot of scientific evidence that this [...]

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Diet or exercise: Which is more important for weightloss?

This has been an ongoing controversy for many years. For optimal fat loss, should you focus more on your diet or your exercise routine? All in all, you do need a balance of both. You must follow a diet and exercise in order to get the absolute best result. But when it comes down to [...]

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Foods That Help You Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep makes your work day (or school day) go so much better. If you have difficulty sleeping, you already know how tough staying alert during the day can be. But did you know that sleep is also important for your health? People who have chronic sleep loss are also at a [...]

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Healthy Foods to Help You Gain Weight

Do you need to gain weight? You’re underweight if your Body Mass Index is below 18.5. If you fall into this category, you need to eat more calories every day in order to reach a healthier weight. However, that isn’t always as easy as it sounds. You don’t want to just add extra calories by eating junk foods that [...]

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Foods That May Help Keep Eyes Healthy

Your vision is important, and the foods you eat may help to keep your eyes healthy. Your eyes require vitamin A for normal vision, and research indicates that nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene (vitamin A precursor) and an antioxidant called lutein may help to reduce the risk of advanced age-related macular degeneration – [...]

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Vitamin D lowers bone-fracture risk only at high doses

If you’re wondering whether to take a vitamin D supplement to keep your bones healthy, it’s understandable if you – and even your doctor – are at a loss. Vitamin D is essential for bone health, but the research on supplements has been inconsistent. Some studies have concluded that vitamin D supplements can lower the [...]

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New study hints loneliness can play a big role in person’s health

When it comes to health, loneliness seems to matter, suggests a new study that found a connection between feeling lonely and shorter lifespans. The study appeared in June in the Archives of Internal Medicine and focused on a specific population: adults over the age of 60. As study participants were tracked over six years, those [...]