Triggers that slow metabolism

Age, diet and lifestyle can all send your body’s calorie burn screeching to a halt. Is there a way to fight back? Yes, according to
There are only two true ways to boost metabolism: weight-loss surgery and weight training that increases muscle mass. But there are many factors that can cause metabolism to slow and the number on the scale to creep up. The good news? You can always fight your metabolic triggers and change your metabolism for the better. Here’s how top docs say you can reverse a bad metabolic trend and rev your body’s calorie-burning engine.
Hormones Slow Metabolism, Part I - a natural lack of estrogen receptors in the brain due to aging caused mice to gain weight without consuming more calories, researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center found. The same principle could apply to humans.
“People put on 10 percent a decade because of how our hormones change as we age,” says Eva Cwynar, MD, an endocrinologist and metabolic medicine specialist in Beverly Hills and author of The Fatigue Solution. If you’re concerned about your estrogen levels, talk to your doctor to find a healthy solution that works for your body.

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