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New study shows benefits of fish oil lacking

Fish oil supplements are taken by millions of American every day for better heart health and to improve memory. It’s one of the most popular supplements taken in the United States. Results from a new study may change that. Findings of the study show taking fish oil supplements may not protect against heart disease after [...]

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Self-motivation superior to pleasing others in battle to maintain healthy weight

The Department of Human Nutrition study of 1600 New Zealand women aged between 40 and 50 is the first nationwide research of its kind anywhere. The researchers set out to examine the link between the degree of autonomy and self-determination motivating women’s eating behaviour and their body weight. The participants were asked to rate the [...]

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Choline intake linked to lethal prostate cancer risk

A new study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that eating too much choline-rich foods such as meat, milk and eggs may increase risk of lethal prostate cancer. It is a possibility, but the study is not a trial and a causal relationship has not been established. Erin L. Richman of Harvard School [...]

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Want cheap nutritious food?

Does a healthy diet cost more than a junk-food diet in America? That depends on whom you ask, how you measure food and, most important, if you know how to cook. Earlier this year the U.S. Department of Agriculture released a new analysis indicating that fruits, vegetables, grains and low-fat milk tend to be less [...]

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Food studies don’t always tell the whole story

The flip-flop nature of food research is enough to drive you crazy. Every day, it seems, there’s a new study about whether coffee, eggs or other foods are life-lengtheners or heart-stoppers, often appearing to contradict the study that came before. Take, for example, two studies that made headlines recently. One found little evidence that organically [...]

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Swim training plus healthy diet factor in cancer fight

A new study just published in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism (APNM) reaffirms the crucial role exercise along with good nutrition play in maintaining health and fighting disease. “Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth most frequent cancer worldwide, ranking third among all cancer-related deaths. Clinical and experimental studies have shown that physical exercise [...]

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Fatty Foods Cause Brain Damage

A new study finds that fat-filled foods may damage the region of the brain responsible for regulating a person’s appetite, which scientists say could account for why overweight people struggle with sticking to a diet plan. Announced on Friday at the British Science Festival, the study found that a diet rich in saturated fats leads [...]

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Soup may prevent childhood asthma

Soup is being investigated as a potential solution to childhood asthma. Scientists have modified a range of commercially available soups to boost vitamin E levels. They hope pregnant women consuming the products will have babies with built-in protection against asthma. Previous research has shown that women lacking vitamin E in their diet give birth to [...]

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Bubble tea can contain carcinogens, researchers claim

Bubble tea — that sweet, tea-based drink filled with giant tapioca balls — may be a hazard to your health. A new German study finds the starchy balls can contain cancer-causing PCBs, a group of of industrial chemicals that have been linked to a long list of health hazards. Meanwhile, a German government group is [...]

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Sexual activity has numerous benefits for your health

We all know there are many benefits of sexual intimacy so let me examine the major health benefits. Many studies have looked at the real health benefits and have found persistently the positive effects. Sexual activity (simple hugs as well as intercourse) lowers blood pressure and is overall heart healthy. Another benefit is improved immunity. [...]