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Almonds a healthy snack substitute for dieters

Substituting almonds for less healthy foods could help dieters stick to a calorie-controlled diet, and lower their cholesterol at the same time, says a new study. “Nuts, and in this case almonds, shouldn’t be on the ‘do not eat’ list, they can be effectively incorporated in a weight loss plan, with the caveat that they [...]

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Which Form of Vitamin D is Better, D2 or D3?

Question: Which Form of Vitamin D is Better, D2 or D3? Answer: If I were to pick out a vitamin D supplement, I would lean toward one with D3, but it may not matter that much – after all, D2 has been used for many years.What’s D2 and D3 anyway? Vitamin D is a substance your body synthesizes after [...]

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What’s the Best Protein Source?

Q: Does where I get my protein really matter as long as I’m eating protein? A: As long as you’re eating a well-rounded diet, the source of protein isn’t as important as the fact that you’re eating protein. But before people start tweeting that I condone SPAM as a quality protein source, allow me to elaborate and [...]

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The Nutrients You Need

A recent government report found that Americans aren’t getting enough calcium, fiber, magnesium, potassium, or vitamins A, C, and E. “You’re not going to have a major health event as a result,” says Alanna Moshfegh, an author of the USDA report What We Eat in America, “but the recommended amounts will help you maintain your health [...]

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Can You Get Too Many Vitamins?

Getting too many vitamins from food is almost unheard-of, but if you’re taking individual supplements as a backup, use caution. “At megadoses of up to 10 times what’s recommended, some nutrients behave very much like drugs,” says Lora Sporny, a professor of nutrition at Columbia University. Some examples: Too much calcium may inhibit iron absorption. [...]

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How to Choose a Multivitamin

There are lots of good reasons to take a multivitamin. Even the best eating plans can fall short of meeting all of the 40-plus nutrients you need each day. Most Americans fail to meet dietary recommendations for many reasons, including strict dieting, poor appetite, changing nutritional needs, or less-than-healthy food choices. Taking a once-daily multivitamin [...]

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Vitamin D, Calcium, and Omega-3 Supplement Benefits

Nutritional supplements are made to do just that — supplement the body with nutrients that are missing from your diet. But your best bet when it comes to supplements like vitamin D, calcium, and omega-3s, according to recent studies, may be to stick to what’s in your food. One finding from a US Preventive Services Task [...]

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Dieting: Top 5 healthy drinks

Flat Belly Drink: Watermelon Smoothie As long as they’re made without sugary mixers like sherbet, smoothies are a guilt-free way to hydrate—and watermelon is a terrific, low-cal smoothie base. Not only is it a natural hydrator because of its water content, watermelon is also loaded with nutrients, including cancer-fighting lycopene, as well as an amino [...]

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Certain Diets May Help Body Burn More Calories

Dieters have long been told that to lose weight, you simply need to cut calories. But new research suggests that some combinations of foods may burn more calories than others. When researchers compared a low-fat diet, a very low-carbohydrate diet and a low-glycemic-index diet, they found that people on very low-carb diets used the most [...]

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It’s not just how many calories, but what kind, study finds

A calorie is a calorie is a calorie — or is it? Maybe not, a small study has found. Once the pounds are shed, the proportions of carbohydrates, proteins and fats you chow down on may determine whether you keep the weight off — or slowly but surely pack on pounds again. In an intensive, [...]