Green tea and weight loss
Weight loss may not be as hard as you thought. A new study suggests that simply taking high doses of green tea extract may also help prevent weight gain or help weight loss in those who can’t stop eating a high fat diet or typically the Western diet. The study led by J. Bajerska [...]
Raisins boost athletic performance
For athletes participating in the London 2012 Olympics, here is a helpful tip! According to a new research, you can now replace your dose of sports chews with the good old raisin as it provides the same workout boost. Researchers from the University of California-Davis found that eating raisins can boost performance in athletes and [...]
Whey protein isolate offsets effects of high fat diet
Whey protein isolate or powder is commonly used as a bodybuilding dietary supplement to help men and women build muscle or a lean body. A study in Journal of Nutrition suggests that whey protein isolate may help more than bodybuilding. High fat diet or typically called the Western diet is known to lead to body [...]
Genetically modified rice a good vitamin A source
Genetically modified rice could be a good source of vitamin A for children in countries where deficiency in the vitamin is common, a new study suggests. The study tested so-called Golden Rice against both spinach and supplements in providing vitamin A to 68 six- to eight-year-olds in China. Researchers found that the rice was as [...]
Superfoods loaded with probiotics deliver a variety of flavors and span seven food groups
Good nutrition includes eating fresh organic foods, and also means getting a healthy supply of “friendly” bacteria, or probiotics, to maintain balance in the intestinal tract. Although you could take a digestive supplement, a better choice is to eat selectively fermented foods that supply tons of friendly microflora to promote better gastrointestinal health. Some people [...]
Dried apples may cut heart disease risk
Consumption of dried apples may lower the risk of developing cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women by slashing levels of cholesterol by almost a quarter, according to new research data. The one year clinical trial published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics evaluated the effect of dried apple and plum (prune) consumption [...]
Low Vitamin D Levels May Raise Death Risk in Older Adults
Older adults with low vitamin D levels — especially those who are frail — have an increased risk of death. That’s the finding of Oregon State University researchers who analyzed data from a survey of more than 4,300 U.S. adults older than 60. Those with low vitamin D levels had a 30 percent greater risk [...]
Almonds Contain Fewer Calories Than We Thought
If almonds are your favorite snack but you’re conscious of eating too many for calories’ sake, a new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition may provide some relief. Scientists now believe almonds contain fewer calories than we originally thought. As reported by NPR, the study was conducted by USDA food scientists who found that almonds contain fewer [...]
Mixed vitamin E may support blood vessel health in healthy adults
Short-term supplementation with vitamin E may support the function of cells lining blood cells from potential damage during the increase in blood sugar levels after eating, says a new study. Five days of supplementation with a gamma-tocopherol-rich mixture of tocopherols maintained vascular endothelial function the function of the cells lining blood vessels, according to findings [...]
Antioxidant intake significantly decreases pancreatic cancer risk
Utah has the second lowest pancreatic cancerrate in the United States according to the Utah Department of Health. But with only three percent of those diagnosed with cancer surviving beyond five years it is one of the scariest diagnoses to receive from your doctor.New research published online July 23, 2012 in the journal Gut provides hope and suggests [...]