How Anti-Oxidants Can Change Your Life

Antioxidants deserve more attention because they help to remove free radicals or unstable molecules, which can lead to cancer and even premature aging. They are unstable in the sense that they have an incomplete number of electrons around them, which makes them more reactive then their balanced counterparts. Humans typically produce oxygen-containing molecules, which will then try to steal electrons from other molecules. This is how the damage occurs. It looks similar to rust on a car or an apple that turns brown.

Antioxidants can stabilize these radicals and help prevent any future damage they could cause. A new study by the Department of Food Science at Louisiana State University Agricultural Center in Baton Rouge just discovered that black rice has the same antioxidant power as blueberries. Better yet, it has more fiber, less sugar, can lower cholesterol and costs less. Rice is nice!

Most people know about Vitamins A, C, E, Beta-Carotene and lycopene. Let’s take a closer look at some of the more important ones you may not have been aware were so beneficial. These could be bought for tremendously high prices or you could eat a balanced diet and get your antioxidant power from having solid nutrition.

Beta-Carotene can be found in orange foods like apricots, cantaloupe, dark greens, kale, mangoes, papaya, peppers, pumpkin, spinach, squash and sweet potatoes. It is a powerful antioxidant.

Lycopene is found in apricots, pink grapefruit, papaya, guava, tomatoes and watermelon. It can guard against aging of the skin, may prevent Cancers of the prostate and mouth, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and male fertility problems.

Lutein has been touted for helping the eyes and can be ingested by consuming a diet with lots of dark, green leafy vegetables like collard greens, kale and spinach.

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