Fiber For Fat Loss?


Fiber for fat loss, are you crazy? That’s right folks, fiber can actually help you lose fat. We all know that fiber will help fight against heart disease, cholesterol, diabetes and colon cancer, but it also plays a role in fighting obesity. Fiber is a compound that only plants contain. The fiber we consume from plant foods is called dietary fiber. Dietary fiber only comes from plant foods (i.e. grains, oats, fruits, etc.); it is never in animal foods (i.e. meats). Dietary fiber can be broken down into two forms, soluble and insoluble fiber. Though there is no daily recommended amount of fiber, health experts recommend consuming 20-35 grams of fiber per day. On average, most Americans consume only 12 grams of fiber a day.


Soluble Fiber


Soluble fiber, as the name implies, dissolves in water. These fibers bind to bile acids and excrete them from the small intestine. Surplus cholesterol is disposed of in the liver as bile acids. Bile acids are then transported to the small intestine where they aid in lipid digestion. Bile acids are also essential for the absorption of these digested products. This binding of bile acids would help to decrease the cholesterol levels in the blood. It has also been said that soluble fibers help to regulate blood sugar levels.

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