Protein-Rich Meal Replacement Helps Diabetes Type 2 Patients Lose Weight And Have Better Glucose Control

Individuals with type 2 diabetes could significantly benefit from a protein-rich meal replacement called Almased®, according to results of a pilot study.

The researchers enrolled 22 obese adults with type 2 diabetes in the 12 week pilot study. For the first week, participants replaced all three daily meals with Almased. For the second to forth week, they ate a protein-rich lunch in addition to two meals with Almased, and for the rest of the study duration they only replaced one meal.

Of the 68% of participants who completed the study, the researchers found that they:







The gluten-free all natural meal replacement is made from yogurt, soy and honey – it contains no artificial flavors, preservatives, added sugars, fillers, or stimulants, and contains no genetically modified organisms.

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