The Best all natural pain relievers

1) Arnica

This is an herb that is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It’s meant to be taken orally and can easily replace pain medications for most people dealing with body pains. The arnica pellets simply need to be placed underneath the tongue up to six times per day in order to be effective for pain relief.

2) Turmeric

This is another herb that has anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin is the compound found in this that blocks pain from body. There are a lot of people who use it for arthritis, but it’s also effective for psoriasis with some people. There are supplements available with this and other herbs included in them. These make it easy to enjoy the benefits without having to actually cook with the turmeric.

3) Fish Oil

Many doctors recommend this for joint pain because it can help reduce inflammation. Not to mention this oil is full of omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for the heart and brain. There are fish oil supplements available that make it easy to enjoy the benefits without having to eat a bunch of fish or actually drink fish oil. Generally 2,000-4,000 mg is recommended for daily use. This can help with everything from lupus to rheumatoid arthritis.

4) Olive Oil

This isn’t just something that can be used for cooking; it’s also very effective for reducing pain. There are natural chemicals inside of this oil that help reduce pain and relieve inflammation for anyone. The oleocanthal is the main chemical that actually works just like a pain relief supplement would! Using this each day is safe for the body, especially since you can cook with it.

5) Acupuncture

This is where your body will be poked with tiny needles. These aren’t just randomly placed; they are put in specific areas where the body holds a lot of pain. This can be used for everything from constant migraines to acute pain in the body. A lot of people are able to cut back on the pain medications they take because this is so effective. There have been a lot of studies done that show just how well this natural treatment works.

6) Willow Bark

This is where aspirin originally came from. Not only is it a natural herb, it’s very effective. It can help out with back pain, headaches or even osteoarthritis. It helps reduce pain and also gets rid of inflammation in the body. There are a lot of products that have this herb in them, but there are natural forms of it that are available as well.

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