New Chromium Supplement May Help Type 2 Diabetes

For years, some studies have suggested chromium supplements may lower blood sugar levels in people who have type 2 diabetes. Those studies usually used chromium picolinate, but now new research indicates chromium dinicocysteinate is superior to both placebo and chromium picolinate inmanaging type 2 diabetes.

How effective is chromium in diabetes?

Chromium is an essential mineral that has a role in how insulin works with the body to regulate blood sugar (glucose) levels. When it comes to whether chromium supplements can help people with type 2 diabetes, however, study results have been mixed.

While some clinical studies have reported no benefit for people with type 2 diabetes when they took chromium supplements, others have claimed chromium supplements reduced blood sugar levels and the amount of insulin people needed to take. Now a new form of chromium supplement sheds a different light on the subject.

Investigators at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center tested a new chromium supplement that contains chromium (400 micrograms elemental chromium) , niacin, and L-cysteine (chromium dinicocysteinate, or CDNC) in people with type 2 diabetes. Previously, animal studies have shown that a combination of chromium and cysteine supplementation can improve glucose metabolism.

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