Nutrition tip: A healthy supermarket experience

Statistics show that most of us make an average of two trips to the supermarket per week, spending about 45 minutes each trip. With more than 48,000 foods available to buy in an average supermarket and new products introduced every day, shopping can become a daunting task. This is especially true if you are trying to eat healthier or have a special diet to follow. With a little help from these tips, soon you will be navigating the aisles with confidence that you are making the best choices.

Bread: The key to healthy bread is “whole grain.” You want those fiber rich whole grains in your diet to help maintain a healthy weight, lower cholesterol and a myriad of other benefits. But, how can you be sure you are buying whole grain bread? Don’t be fooled by the color of the bread — some refined breads have coloring added, and some of the white breads are now made with white whole wheat. Go straight to the ingredient list, and choose bread that lists 100 percent whole wheat or other whole grain as the first ingredient.  Remember that “enriched wheat flour” is just a fancier word for white, refined flour. Still not sure? Look for at least 2 grams of fiber per slice.

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