Brain Tumors Linked to Dental X-Rays

New research has linked dental e-Rays to brain tumors. Meningioma has been linked to exorbitant dental X-rays, according to research done by the Yale School of Public Health.

Meningioma is considered to be a rare disorder, according to the National Institute of Health. The study also shows that women are far more susceptible to the illness. The tumefaction will start to show itself in the region surrounding the mind. This disorder has been recognized to go undetected for decades, until symptoms commence to prove. Cases have now been reported of tumors growing into how big is a baseball, this invades the skull cavity and can result in headaches and vision issues.

Almost 1500 patients were examined to look for the average generation that’s most afflicted with this diseases, studies show that 57 appeared to be the prime target age.

Studies have determined that the ones that received Dental X-Rays had twice the increased threat of developing the tumors. What is even more startling is that Panorex Dental Exams increased the likelihood of developing tumors by 3 times. The studies also appeared to indicate that the younger the subjects were if they began receiving dental X-Rays, the more likely these were to produce the tumors.

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