Starvation, fasting, and low-calorie diets

Severely slashing calories leads to weight loss but the lost weight includes precious muscle mass and poses health risks — and most people end up regaining all the weight, plus some.

“Rapid weight loss by critical calorie restriction causes water, some fat, and muscle loss, which ultimately decreases metabolism so the body needs fewer calories to survive,” says May, author of Eat What You Love and Love What You Eat. It also causes a shift toward a higher percentage of body fat, which increases the risk formetabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

Don’t cut calories below 1,200 per day; otherwise you will struggle to meet nutrient needs, fuel activity, and satisfy hunger. Keep in mind that when you lose weight quickly, you tend to pack it back on with more fat and less muscle, which lowers your metabolism and calorie needs.

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