Exercise Makes You More Excited and Enthusiastic

Need some extra gusto to push through the end of the day? A new study found suggests people who get at least 15 minutes of physical activity during the day are more likely to act more enthusiastic or excited than those who are less active.

Nearly 200 students at Penn State University kept a daily diary for eight days, noting any physical activity of 15 minutes or more, the amount and quality of their sleep, and overall mental state. Researchers found that active people experienced positive, high-energy emotions (like enthusiasm! and excitement!) more often than their less active peers.

Because the study was solely observational and didn’t ask participants to alter their lifestyles, lead study author Amanda Hyde suggests the findings reflect a natural and ongoing phenomenon, rather than a short-lived effect. More good news: Researchers propose once people experience this feel-good effect from a workout, they may be more encouraged to keep working out for the long haul.

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