Archive for July, 2012

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New Immunoglobulin Treatment Stops Alzheimers in Three Year Study

On Tuesday, a group at the Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City presented data at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Vancouver demonstrating a lack of deterioration over three years in a very small group of Alzheimer’s patients being treated with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), a treatment previously approved for immune deficiency and autoimmune [...]

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Obese women have higher risk for rheumatoid arthritis

Obese women may have an increased risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis — adding one more chronic illness to the list of ills brought on by extra pounds. Women with rheumatoid arthritis are already more prone to heart attacks than the general population because of their autoimmune disease. The Mayo Clinic study, published in Arthritis Care [...]

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Common Causes and Treatments for Insomnia

Insomnia is caused by multiple factors like an underlying medical condition, lifestyle routines, stress and sleep problems. The cause of insomnia can also be unknown. Some of other causes of insomniaare environmental distractions, consuming coffee and other caffeine containing drinks, rotating work schedule that disrupts your sleep pattern and some medications that can prevent you to [...]

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Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera is consists of 96% water and 4% of 75 known chemicals and this is rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and beneficial plant chemicals which make it so nutritious. It detoxifies our body and helps in eliminating unwanted elements in our system. It is easily absorbed and digested so it is best with people [...]

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Natural Remedied for Acne

1- Clove Oil: Another amazing natural remedy for acne treatment is clove oil. It is a natural herbal treatment for acne that is proved to have medicinal properties and it is renowned for this purpose for centuries by even mystics. Clove oil can be combined with other oil and then you can apply it on your skin. [...]

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Which Form of Vitamin D is Better, D2 or D3?

Question: Which Form of Vitamin D is Better, D2 or D3? Answer: If I were to pick out a vitamin D supplement, I would lean toward one with D3, but it may not matter that much – after all, D2 has been used for many years.What’s D2 and D3 anyway? Vitamin D is a substance your body synthesizes after [...]

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Ranking Fruit

All fruit is good for you! Eat whatever is in season and whatever fruit you like! Here is the ranking of fruit according to their content of 9 vitamins and fiber. The higher the score, the more nutrient dense the fruit is. As expected fresh fruit is better than juice or canned fruit Watermelon, 2 [...]

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The best fruits for eating healthy, without the sugar

Strawberries, bananas, oranges, kiwi… the list goes on and on. Fruit is touted as a super-healthy snack option, but while the fiber and other nutrients found in fruit are a great part of any diet, many varieties can also be very high in sugar. Too much sugar, regardless of where it comes from, can have [...]

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What’s the Best Protein Source?

Q: Does where I get my protein really matter as long as I’m eating protein? A: As long as you’re eating a well-rounded diet, the source of protein isn’t as important as the fact that you’re eating protein. But before people start tweeting that I condone SPAM as a quality protein source, allow me to elaborate and [...]

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The Nutrients You Need

A recent government report found that Americans aren’t getting enough calcium, fiber, magnesium, potassium, or vitamins A, C, and E. “You’re not going to have a major health event as a result,” says Alanna Moshfegh, an author of the USDA report What We Eat in America, “but the recommended amounts will help you maintain your health [...]