Archive for July, 2012

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Coffee May Prevent Diabetes and Heart Disease

There’s now one more reason to get your morning fuel from coffee: it’s good for your heart, according to new research. The study, published in an American Heart Association journal, comes from the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Unit at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical. Based on their findings, researchers now believe drinking two cups of coffee a day [...]

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How Anti-Oxidants Can Change Your Life

Antioxidants deserve more attention because they help to remove free radicals or unstable molecules, which can lead to cancer and even premature aging. They are unstable in the sense that they have an incomplete number of electrons around them, which makes them more reactive then their balanced counterparts. Humans typically produce oxygen-containing molecules, which will [...]

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Raisins as Effective as Sports Chews for Fueling Workouts

If you’re active, chances are pretty good that you’ve probably encountered some form of gel, goo, or sports chew. These products are touted as a convenient way to stay fueled on a long run, ride, hike, or other endurance activity. But they’re also kind of strange. There’s just something unnatural about the taste and texture [...]

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Study unlocks cholesterol-lowering activity of blueberry

The potential cardiovascular benefits of blueberry may be related to the berries’ anthocyanins interacting with bile acids to promote cholesterol reduction, suggests data from a study with hamsters. Dietary supplementation with 0.5 and 1% blueberry anthocyanins was associated with 37 and 66% increases in bile acid excretion, according to data published in the European Journal [...]

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Calcium Intake Linked to Heart Attack

Eating calcium rich foods may help reduce risk of myocardial infarction or heart attack while taking calcium supplements may increase the risk, according to a new study published in the June 2012 issue of Heart. The study led by K. Li of German Cancer Research Centre in Heidelberg, Germany and colleagues showed that high intake [...]

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Cheese, Yogurt may keep diabetes at bay

There’s good news on the dairy front. Eating just a few slices of cheese or a serving of yogurt may help reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes by 12%, according to a new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. European researchers conducted a study to investigate the prospective association of total dairy [...]

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Raisins boost athletic performance

For athletes participating in the London 2012 Olympics, here is a helpful tip! According to a new research, you can now replace your dose of sports chews with the good old raisin as it provides the same workout boost. Researchers from the University of California-Davis found that eating raisins can boost performance in athletes and [...]

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Dietary fiber cuts colorectal cancer risk

Colorectal cancer is common and deadly, but the disease can be prevented easily in most cases.   A new study published in the June 22, 2012 issue of PLoS One suggests that eating lots of fiber-rich foods can decrease the risk of colorectal cancer drastically. The study led by N. Murphy of  School of Public [...]

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Diabetes Linked To Heavy Cosmetic Use

High-maintenance women could be at high-risk for developing diabetes, a new scientific study suggests. Researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston said they found a link between phthalates – a class of chemicals found in products such as nail polish, soaps, perfumes, hair and tanning sprays – and the metabolic disease. According to the [...]

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No-Fat, Low-Fat Dressings Don’t Get Most Nutrients Out of Salads

The vegetables in salads are chock-full of important vitamins and nutrients, but you won’t get much benefit without the right type and amount of salad dressing, a Purdue University study shows. In a human trial, researchers fed subjects salads topped off with saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat-based dressings and tested their blood for absorption of [...]