How Anti-Oxidants Can Change Your Life
Antioxidants deserve more attention because they help to remove free radicals or unstable molecules, which can lead to cancer and even premature aging. They are unstable in the sense that they have an incomplete number of electrons around them, which makes them more reactive then their balanced counterparts. Humans typically produce oxygen-containing molecules, which will [...]
Cheese, Yogurt may keep diabetes at bay
There’s good news on the dairy front. Eating just a few slices of cheese or a serving of yogurt may help reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes by 12%, according to a new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. European researchers conducted a study to investigate the prospective association of total dairy [...]
Dietary fiber cuts colorectal cancer risk
Colorectal cancer is common and deadly, but the disease can be prevented easily in most cases. A new study published in the June 22, 2012 issue of PLoS One suggests that eating lots of fiber-rich foods can decrease the risk of colorectal cancer drastically. The study led by N. Murphy of School of Public [...]
Study Shows Fruit and Vegetable Juice Concentrate May Reduce Abdominal Fat Mass
A new study published in the July issue of The Journal of Pediatrics shows that supplementation with an encapsulated fruit and vegetable juice concentrate (Juice Plus+® Orchard Blend and Garden Blend; NSA, LLC, Memphis, Tenn., USA) was associated with an increase in serum beta-carotene concentrations, reduced abdominal adipose tissue and improved insulin resistance in overweight [...]
Study finds wine boosts bone health
A new study shows drinking a couple glasses ofwine each day boosts bone health in women going through menopause. This is an interesting contrast to previous studies which show alcohol abuse contributes to bone loss. Menopause and bone health As women enter menopause estrogen levels decline. This leads to a number of side effects including hot flashes, memory [...]
Keep a journal to lose weight, study finds
A new study has backed up what others have found: Women who want to loose weight should keep a food journal, avoid skipping meals and eating in restaurants, especially at lunch. The study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, looked at self-monitoring and diet-related behaviors and meal patterns among overweight post-menopausal [...]
The best fruits for eating healthy, without the sugar
Strawberries, bananas, oranges, kiwi… the list goes on and on. Fruit is touted as a super-healthy snack option, but while the fiber and other nutrients found in fruit are a great part of any diet, many varieties can also be very high in sugar. Too much sugar, regardless of where it comes from, can have [...]
Black Pepper May Help Fight Fat
The same ingredient in black pepper that makes you sneeze may help keep you slim. A preliminary new study suggests that the pungent component in black pepper known as piperine fights fat by blocking the formation of new fat cells. If further studies confirm these effects, researchers say black pepper may offer a natural alternative [...]
How to choose a healthy breakfast cereal
Added sugar vs. natural sugar Increasingly, breakfast-cereal makers are offering more nutritious, low-sugar options. The trick is trying to find them amidst the Cocoa Puffs, Frosted Flakes, Lucky Charms and all the other sugary concoctions on grocery store shelves. Even cereals that seem healthy — if you’re to trust the front-of-the-box labels on many brands [...]
Eat Your Way To A Flat Belly
Call it a spare tire, a pot belly or muffin top. Belly fat plagues millions of men and women, but some say you can minimize your middle by eating certain foods. 3 On Your Side Health Reporter Stephanie Stahl has more on the belly busting diet. Mary Morin lost 20 pounds, but she’s still working [...]