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Eating Grapes May Help Protect Heart Health in Men with Metabolic Syndrome

Consuming grapes may help protect heart health in people with metabolic syndrome, according to new research published in the Journal of Nutrition.[1] Researchers observed a reduction in key risk factors for heart disease in men with metabolic syndrome: reduced blood pressure, improved blood flow and reduced inflammation. Natural components found in grapes, known as polyphenols, [...]

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Dietary fiber cuts colorectal cancer risk

Colorectal cancer is common and deadly, but the disease can be prevented easily in most cases.   A new study published in the June 22, 2012 issue of PLoS One suggests that eating lots of fiber-rich foods can decrease the risk of colorectal cancer drastically. The study led by N. Murphy of  School of Public [...]

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Some foods are high in calories, but good for you in small portions

I have a friend whose father has cancer, and she asked me how to help him gain weight and strength. Not really my area, since I generally help people lose weight in order to live healthier lives. But the part about “healthier lives” struck a nerve. I realized that whether you’re gaining or losing weight, [...]

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Todays eggs are more nutritious then 30 years ago

Eggs produced today contain 75% more vitamin D and double the amount of selenium than eggs produced 30 years ago, according to a new study led by the Institute of Food Research’s Food Databanks National Capability. Today’s eggs also contain about 20% less fat, more than 20% less saturated fat, 13% fewer calories and more [...]

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Calcium Intake Linked to Heart Attack

Eating calcium rich foods may help reduce risk of myocardial infarction or heart attack while taking calcium supplements may increase the risk, according to a new study published in the June 2012 issue of Heart. The study led by K. Li of German Cancer Research Centre in Heidelberg, Germany and colleagues showed that high intake [...]

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Iron, vitamins could affect physical fitness in adolescents

Adolescence is an important time not only for growing but for acquiring healthy habits that will last a lifetime, such as choosing foods rich in vitamins and minerals, and adopting a regular exercise regimen. Unfortunately, several studies have shown that adolescents’ intake of important nutrients, as well as their performance on standard physical fitness tests, [...]

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Harvard Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ

A review of brain studies involving the use of fluoride has concluded that one of the adverse effects of fluoride exposure on children is damage to their neurological development.1 According to the Harvard researchers, children who lived in high-fluoride areas had “significantly lower IQ than those in low fluoride areas,” with the authors noting: “The results [...]

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Low levels of vitamin D in older adults can raise mortality risk by 30%

A new study concludes that among older adults – especially those who are frail – low levels of vitamin D could mean a much higher mortality risk. But instead of a knee-jerk reaction rushing to sources of vitamin D, it’s important to first measure the level of vitamin D in older adults before older people [...]

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High-carb diet tied to breast cancer risk for some

Older women who eat a lot of starchy and sweet carbohydrates may be at increased risk of a less common but deadlier form of breast cancer, according to a European study. The findings from a study of nearly 335,000 European women, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, do not prove that sweets, French [...]

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Apples Reduces Cholesterol, says study

As per a study, which has been published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, it has been revealed that apples are beneficial in reducing cholesterol levels. The study was being taken out by a group of researchers from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. The study researchers carried out a [...]