Archive for July, 2012
The Secret to Healthier Cream Sauces
Building in Flavor In their most basic state, cream sauces can be rich but bland. In the healthy kitchen, we can change that by packing in the vegetables. Fresh or dried mushrooms are a great choice, but so are roasted peppers, roasted butternut squash, carrots, and caramelized onions. Herbs, tomato puree, horseradish, and even mustard [...]
Flaxseed Has Big Benefits
For something so small, flaxseed has big benefits. Recent studies have shown that flaxseed, known to the world for thousands of years, may aid in lowering cholesterol, stabilizing blood sugar, reducing bone loss, promoting weight loss, increasing immunity, and fighting cancer, says clinical nutritionist Stella Metsovas of Laguna Beach, Calif. Flaxseed is high in: Vitamins and [...]
Why drinking alcohol makes you fat
There are many factors that affect weight loss, making the process more complicated than it may seem. The body produces different hormones in response to different types of foods and/or drinks. Losing weight is not only about calorie consumption but also about the types of foods and drinks consumed. Alcohol is one of the worst [...]
Coffee May Reduce the Risk of Heart Failure
Hey java drinkers, that coffee buzz you love so much may also help prevent heart failure, according to a new study published in the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation Heart Failure. While many believe coffee drinking may be dangerous to the heart, researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston said moderate consumption of [...]
Exercise helps keep menopausal hot flashes at bay
Exercise may curb hot flashes among menopausal women, a new U.S. study has found. Researchers from Penn State followed 92 menopausal women for just over two weeks. The women, aged 40 to 59, had mild to moderate symptoms, but were recruited for a physical activity study, not a study on menopause, researcher Steriani Elavsky said [...]
It’s not just how many calories, but what kind, study finds
A calorie is a calorie is a calorie — or is it? Maybe not, a small study has found. Once the pounds are shed, the proportions of carbohydrates, proteins and fats you chow down on may determine whether you keep the weight off — or slowly but surely pack on pounds again. In an intensive, [...]
Weight Loss May Increase Testosterone Levels
Shedding pounds may help overweight men with low testosterone boost their levels of the male hormone, new research finds. Overweight men are more likely to have low levels of testosterone, according to the study, which involved nearly 900 overweight, middle-aged Irish men with pre-diabetes. People with pre-diabetes have abnormally high blood glucose levels, but the [...]
Workout partners multiply success
The familiar hairstyle — a bouncy ponytail — is seen on college campuses across the U.S. It speaks to the carefree nature of college life and, conversely, to the sudden uptick in busy schedules. The dreaded “Freshman 15” — unwanted pounds gained by first-year college students — is another visual sign of this lifestyle change. [...]
Dietary fiber alters gut bacteria, supports gastrointestinal healt
A University of Illinois study shows that dietary fiber promotes a shift in the gut toward different types of beneficial bacteria. And the microbes that live in the gut, scientists now believe, can support a healthy gastrointestinal tract as well as affect our susceptibility to conditions as varied as type 2 diabetes, obesity, inflammatory bowel [...]
The Health Benefits of using Fish Oil
There’s a good reason why the American Heart Association recommends that most people eat fish — particularly fatty fish — at least twice a week for heart health. Fatty fish has high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential nutrients that the body can’t make on its own. Research has shown that fish oil [...]