Archive for April, 2012

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Study Shows White Rice may Raise Disk of Diabetes

When it comes to your risk of diabetes, a new study by Harvard researchers suggests that eating less white rice could make a difference. Each additional daily serving of white rice, a staple of Asian diets, may increase the risk of Type 2 diabetes by 10%, according to the study, which analyzed the results of [...]

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Using Dietary Supplements the Correct Way

It seems that almost every day we hear another claim that a certain vitamin or herbal supplement will cure what ails us or drastically improve the quality of our lives. Unfortunately, the information about dietary supplements is often confusing or unclear. The sheer number of supplements available can seem overwhelming, and it’s hard to know [...]

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Eating Almonds can Aid Weight Loss

Almonds are considered healthy because they are low on the glycemic index, which measures how quickly they cause blood sugar levels to rise after eating. While foods which are quickly digested cause blood sugar to spike and then quickly drop, almonds cause a slower and steadier rise in blood sugar and insulin which leaves people [...]