Vitamin D Supplements May Stave Off Disability And Mobility Issues In The Elderly
According to a new study published online in the Journal of Gerontologyelderly individuals with insufficient levels of vitamin D, regardless of whether obtained through diet, supplements or sun exposure, could have a higher risk of developing mobility problems and disability. Leading researcher, Denise Houston, Ph.D., R.D., a nutrition epidemiologist in the Wake Forest Baptist Department of Geriatrics and [...]
Fish Oil Isn’t Suddenly Useless–Here’s Why You Should Still Take It
A UK study released today has Web news headlines blaring that omega-3s may not protect your brain after all. Oh really? We say don’t chuck your fish oil supplements just yet. There are plenty of good reasons to take omega-3 supplements, even if they don’t wind up helping with memory and brain health. But more importantly, the study was [...]
The Effect of Three Sources of Garlic on Plasma Lipids
Garlic supplements are the most consumed herbal products in the US and are frequently consumed to lower cholesterol. Despite garlic’s popularity, this claim has not received adequate research support. We conducted a rigorous trial directly comparing the effects of three different types of garlic preparations – fresh garlic and two commonly used garlic supplements – [...]
Calcium Supplements Linked to Significantly Increased Heart Attack Risk
Calcium supplements might increase the risk of having a heart attack, and should be “taken with caution,” concludes research published in the online issue of the journal Heart. Furthermore, boosting overall calcium intake from dietary sources confers no significant advantage in terms of staving off heart disease and stroke, the findings indicate. Previous research has linked [...]
Seaweed supplement may aid weight loss: study
A seaweed-based fiber supplement, taken daily before meals, helped people lose weight in a new study. But that was only the case among people who stuck with the diet study over a few months. More than one-fifth of people dropped out when they couldn’t tolerate the supplement’s taste, texture and side effects. Researchers have explored [...]
Study touts kiwifruit’s benefits
Kiwifruit is rich in antioxidants and has other health benefits, according to a recent study. In addition to being a good source of antioxidants, kiwifruit provides benefits to the digestive tract and to skin, concludes a study commissioned by California kiwifruit growers and other kiwifruit growers and organizations, according to a news release from the [...]
Potential Health Benefits of two dietary antioxidants
Potential Health Benefits of two dietary antioxidants, Glutathione and N-Acetylcysteine, Among Adults with CVD Risk We are now enrolling participants for this 8-week study. The most likely candidates for this study are people who are either overweight, have elevated triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, or pre-hypertension but are not currently taking cholesterol-lowering or anti-hypertensive medications. Enrolled [...]
Study Finds Eating Nuts Helps Cholesterol
Eating about two and a half airplane snacks’ worth of nuts every day helps lower total cholesterol and “bad” LDL cholesterol, and improves the ratio of total cholesterol to “good” HDL cholesterol, a study reports. Researchers pooled the results of 25 clinical trials that involved 583 participants over all. The study reported that eating just 2.4 ounces of nuts of [...]
Effects of Raw Milk vs. Pasteurized Milk
Effects of Raw Milk vs. Pasteurized Milk on Lactose Maldigestion and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance Among Lactose Intolerant Adults. Background: An increasing number of Americans are choosing to consume raw, unpasteurized milk rather than conventional pasteurized milk. Several health claims are made by raw milk enthusiasts. Many or most of those claims are anecdotal and remain [...]
Study says too much running could be bad for your health
Plenty of people take up marathon running to stay in shape. But a new study finds, in some cases, too much running could be bad for your health. Alyssa Downing of Minneapolis was running around Lake Calhoun on Tuesday because she said, “I have a half marathon on the books in Chicago so I’m getting [...]