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Dark Chocolate and Heart Health

The potential health claim for chocolate is that it’s good for your heart. Chocolate is made from cocoa, which contains polyphenols, which may work as antioxidants that lower LDL-cholesterol (the bad kind) and reduce blood pressure. The hope is that eating some chocolate every day will decrease your risk of cardiovascular diseases. Cocoa contains epicatechins and catechins, which are similar to the [...]

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12 Foods that Lower your Cholesterol

1. Oats 2. Red Wine 3. Salmon & Fatty Fish 4. Nuts 5. Beans 6. Tea 7. Chocolate 8. Margarine 9. Spinach 10. Avocado 11. Garlic 12. Olive Oil

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Study: Those with depression at higher risk of sleepwalking

About 8.5 million adults in the USA have experienced nighttime wanderings and those with sleep apneas and psychiatric disorders, depression or obsessive compulsive disorders are at higher risk, says the study of 19,136 Americans ages 18 and older. Antidepressants, over-the-counter sleeping pills and certain other medications can increase the risk, but they bring on events in people [...]

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Tasty Tips for Healthier Eating

Try incorporating these tips from Koff to help make healthier food choices year-round: Be a qualitarian: Choose the best quality food available at every eating occasion — you are what you eat, and your body runs best on better-quality fuel. Go all-natural: Make sure when you buy something that claims to be “all-natural,” it really is as [...]

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Tips for healthy Eating, Weight Loss and Nutrition

· Planning what to eat and how to deal with foods that you find irresistible. · Incorporating physical activity into your schedule, and figuring out how to make sure you get to the gym on those days when you’re less likely to have the time or inclination to work out. Workouts increase the chances of [...]

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‘Fruit and Veggie Fest’ focuses on healthy eating

Food, fitness and fun are planned for the Network for a Healthy California’s “Fruit and Veggie Fest” to take place Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Grocery Outlet, 625 Commercial St. The Network for a Healthy California, in partnership with retailers across California, hosts a series of Fruit and Veggie Fests each [...]

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Weight Loss tips to get in Shape for Summer

- If you externalize blame, you attribute your problems to your gene pool, to another person or circumstance or event, often ignoring your own destructive behaviors. “My spouse is so critical and demanding – he makes me overeat.” When you internalize blame (blame yourself), you’re more likely to define yourself as hopeless or lost before [...]

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New Weight Loss Program Launched For Families

Nationwide Children’s Hospital just launched a new program to help families eat healthy meals and make nutritious food choices. The goal is to help cut the rate of childhood obesity. It’s called “Feeding Your Kids” and it is a program the sends parents emails and text messages either daily for 45 days, or for 90 [...]

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Healthy Eating on the Go

Her top tips for better choices include reducing your portion size and getting in more fruit, vegetables and protein wherever possible. “What we buy is often carb heavy meals with no vegetables or protein. So, if you’re going to buy pasta, get a salad too, so you have fibre and veg and it aids digestion. [...]

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Five ways to cut back on salt intake

Cut back on processed and prepared foods.  Food manufacturers often use salt to preserve food and help “improve” the flavor and texture. Processors also use sodium to mask the taste of chemicals and additives they add to foods.  Whenever possible, prepare your own foods using fresh, whole ingredients. For example, make your own salad dressing with [...]