Author Archive
Flexible Fitness
Gardening and yard work have many benefits. In addition to providing stress relief and an outlet for creativity, gardening and yard work are excellent activities to get us moving. In fact, in the Centers for Disease Control’s 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, gardening is a suggested form of moderate-to-vigorous activity. Anyone who has lifted [...]
Nutrition Is The Most Important Part of A Weight Loss Program
Here are 25 simple tips that you can implement right away and get immediate results: Eat from smaller plates or bowls. The bigger the plate, the more you’ll eat. Eat more frequently and in smaller amounts. The longer you wait, the hungrier you become and the more you eat at each sitting. Increase your veggie [...]
Triathlon Training Tips
Summer is quickly approaching, and with warmer weather comes triathlon season. Originally reserved for uber-toned fitness fanatics wearing obnoxiously-colorful spandex, triathlons are now accessible to anyone and provide good motivation to get into full body shape. Even Lance Armstrong has switched from cycling to triathlon! Contrary to popular belief, a triathlon is not necessarily the long, [...]
Healthy Eating on the Go
Her top tips for better choices include reducing your portion size and getting in more fruit, vegetables and protein wherever possible. “What we buy is often carb heavy meals with no vegetables or protein. So, if you’re going to buy pasta, get a salad too, so you have fibre and veg and it aids digestion. [...]
Tips for Keeping Your Workout Routine on Track
Set Realistic Goals When it comes to your workout and exercise plan, you must set realistic goals. If you have not been a very active person, do not expect to be running 20 miles a day within the first month. You will become discouraged. This is one of the main reasons that exercise programs fail. [...]
Tasty Tips for Healthier Eating
Try incorporating these tips from Koff to help make healthier food choices year-round: Be a qualitarian: Choose the best quality food available at every eating occasion — you are what you eat, and your body runs best on better-quality fuel. Go all-natural: Make sure when you buy something that claims to be “all-natural,” it really is as [...]
Can Cardio and Weights Go Together?
Some trainers warn against lifting weights and going for a run on the same day. Mixing them, they say, will either limit the growth of the muscles, or reduce the endurance benefits of the run—what’s known as “muscle interference” or “exercise antagonism.” A Swedish study, published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, investigated this [...]
Five ways to cut back on salt intake
Cut back on processed and prepared foods. Food manufacturers often use salt to preserve food and help “improve” the flavor and texture. Processors also use sodium to mask the taste of chemicals and additives they add to foods. Whenever possible, prepare your own foods using fresh, whole ingredients. For example, make your own salad dressing with [...]
Plyometrics Exercises
Plyometrics — also known as jump training — is a training technique designed to increase muscular power and explosiveness. Originally developed for Olympic athletes, plyometric training has become a popular workout routine for people of all ages, including children and adolescents. Plyometric training conditions the body with dynamic resistance exercises that rapidly stretch a muscle (eccentric phase) [...]
Eggs and nutrition
Are eggs really incredible? Yes! Eggs are affordable, a great source of lean protein, full of vitamins and minerals and low in calories, weighing in at about 70 calories each. Over the years eggs have received a bad rap for their cholesterol content. While eggs do contain cholesterol, that may not necessarily be a reason to avoid [...]